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At Hustle Pads, we actively seek to create and offer an opportunity to celebrate life's adventures while providing travelers the security they expect from a quality booking experience.
We recognize the importance of a fair, diverse and trusted global community for our Hosts and Guests. We have developed a set of Hustle Pads Community Standards and Expectations to ensure that we foster a rich and vibrant multicultural community of travelers.
These standards are intended to provide our community members a clear understanding of what is expected of them and what to expect from us (Hustle Pads).
Expectations: Safety, Security, Privacy, Authenticity, and Enforcement and Appeals.
Always committed to making our community to be and feel safe. We require you not to threaten violence against any members of the platform. Members include Guests, Hosts, employees of Hustle Pads and its service partners.
You are prohibited from glorifying, committing or promoting violence, terrorism and violent extremism
You are prohibited from committing any abusive behavior, whether physical, verbal, psychological or sexual, sexual assault and harassment, human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, robbery, racial harassment, domestic violence, intimidation, targeted violence or any other acts of violence
You are prohibited from committing any threatening behavior, terrorist threats, concealing or using deadly weapons and explosives, creating hazardous situations or any other acts of terrorism.
You are prohibited from committing or promoting violence, threat, discrimination or harassment against other people on the basis of their race, nationality, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, perceived color, religious affiliation, age, disability, serious illness or disease
If you need help please contact us for help. We will assist by connecting you to appropriate support groups as needed.
You are prohibited from committing, encouraging or promoting, whether intentionally or inadvertently, suicide, group suicide, suicide games, self-harm, self-inflicted physical injuries, or any other acts of suicide and self-harm
You are prohibited from sharing or discussing personal experience and stories related to suicide or self-harm, detailed information on coping methods or mechanism related to suicide or self-harm
Hustle Pads is committed to making our community feel secure and we require you to demonstrate respect to others’ assets, belongings, information, personal space or boundaries.
You are prohibited from committing or promoting fraud, theft, extortion, vandalism, spam, deception, phishing, spoofing, bribery, forgery, corruption, embezzlement, conspiracy, false representation, misappropriation or collusion
You are prohibited from misplacing or unauthorized transferring of information, documents or consumer property
You are prohibited from using or taking someone’s property, unlawful obtaining of benefit or compensation by threatening or harming others
You are prohibited from taking or damaging host’s properties before, during or after your stay
Committed to respecting each other’s privacy and personal boundaries, we require you to respect others’ information, keep it safe and confidential, and refrain from sharing with or selling to third parties.
You are prohibited from committing or promoting espionage, spying or unlawful disclosure of private information. This information is related to Guest and Host data.
You are prohibited from accessing, taking, sharing, posting or publishing other people’s information without their consent or authorization
You are prohibited from threatening to expose personal information or legal documents of other people in exchange of bribe or compensation.
Committed in creating a global community of hosts and hustlers built on trust, we require you to only provide accurate details about yourself and verify that you are the exact person who you are claiming to be.
You are prohibited from impersonating a person, group of people or organizations intended to deceive or trick other people, such as creating an account if you're still
still under 18 or maintaining duplicate accounts
You are prohibited from tampering personal detail, information or legal documents
You are prohibited from providing fraudulent, inaccurate or fake reviews, misinformation about the property, intended to misinform, mislead or deceive other people
You are prohibited from providing any misinformation about yourself, whether intentionally or inadvertently
We will enforce and defend our committed to create and authentic global community that is fair, impartial, unbiased and non-discriminatory. We will enforce our policies and standards at all times by monitoring any community violations and issue enforcement violations if deemed necessary.
Any community violation will be subject to strict investigation and evaluation by our own enforcement team. Throughout the enforcement process, we will consider a set of factors to determine and come up with a decision whether to take any necessary enforcement action or not. These factors include but are not limited to (1) nature of the violation, (2) degree and severity of the violation, (3) historical record of any community violation and the (4) impact of the violation.
Any appeal or disagreement against the enforcement action will be welcomed, rereviewed and reevaluated.
Hustle Pads strongly believes in respect and fairness. We value our Hosts, Guests, and Employees no matter what culture, color, or nationality they belong to. Our community prohibits any form of discrimination and we strive to create principles and policies that support the uniqueness of each individual's personality and hustle.
Harassment and Unlawful Discrimination - any unwanted physical and verbal abuse is prohibited in our community. We require respect for others’ race, color, religious belief, disability, and gender identity.
Safety and Security - Hustle Pads is committed to our standards and expectations in maintaining a safe and secured environment that is free from any form of harassment and will not tolerate any discrimination towards our hosts, guests, and employees.
You should not cancel reservations based on race, culture, nationality, age, gender identity nor religious and marital status.
You should not modify terms and conditions based on race, culture, nationality, age, gender identity nor religious and marital status.
You should respect the Host’s restrictions such as non-smoking and booking with pets.
You should respect the Host’s belongings during your stay (e.g., cross, flags, etc.)
Hustle Pads is committed to ensuring that our hosts and guests will be respected, valued and comfortable in our service. The management has the right to remove anyone in our marketplace who does abide by our principles, standards and expectations.
We highly encourage everyone to contact us if you need assistance or submit a report. Feel free to file a report with on our support page or send us an email at [email protected].